Section 4 - All Question Quiz
All Questions from the Section 4 - Motorcycle License Test
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How should you react if debris or some other flying object hits you?
Even with protective headgear, motorcyclists can be distracted and potentially hurt by debris or flying objects. Be prepared and do not panic. Panic can cause motorcyclists to make potentially fatal driving errors. Maintain a firm grip on the handlebars, drive until there is a safe place to pull over and stop, then assess any damage.
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If a motorcyclist misses the correct freeway exit, what should the motorcyclist do?
Stopping on a freeway is dangerous. Backing up or driving in the wrong direction is illegal, unless under the direction of a traffic officer. If an exit is missed, continue driving until the next exit, where it is safe to pull off the highway and plan an alternate route. In most places where there is an off-ramp, there is a corresponding on-ramp for the opposite direction, providing a safe way to travel back to the missed exit. Alternatively, local roads can be used to get back to the correct exit.
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If the engine locks or freezes, what should a motorcyclist do?
Motorcycles should be inspected before each use. Regular maintenance helps ensure safe operation of a motorcycle. Keeping the correct amount of oil in the engine is essential.
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How often should motorcyclists check mirrors while driving on a freeway?
Frequent mirror checks enable motorcyclists to be aware of their surroundings, helping to ensure safer driving. Motorcyclists are permitted to drive on freeways only after acquiring the M2 license.
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What should motorcyclists take into consideration at railway crossings?
Railway crossings are potentially hazardous due to the fact that trains travel much faster than they seem, and cannot stop quickly. It can take 2 km or more for a train to stop even when brakes are fully applied. Never depend on a train to be able to stop on time to avoid you, and drive on only once the train has passed. Other hazards at railway crossings may include having to stop for other vehicles, and the loss of traction which can occur because train tracks are slippery at all times, and more so when they are wet.
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A highly skilled motorcyclist has which of the following qualities?
Being prepared for any kind of circumstance on the road is one of the biggest hallmarks of a skilled motorcyclist. The ability to anticipate and respond appropriately to dangerous situations is what separates good drivers from average and not-so-good ones. It is important to be able to anticipate and be ready for all suddenly-changing circumstances in order to respond properly. Anticipating dangers before they occur can also prevent panic and nervousness, both of which can further complicate situations where the motorcyclist already faces danger.
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When entering a freeway, what is the right time to turn on the turn signal?
It is important to ensure that you are clearly visible to all the other drivers on the freeway. Using the turn signal at the entrance ramp ensures that freeway traffic can see the motorcycle, and you, as early as possible.
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Besides a properly-equipped motorcycle, what is required for a motorcyclist to tow a trailer?
Special care should be taken when towing a trailer with a motorcycle. The trailer must have a mandatory white plate light, two red reflectors on the rear and a red tail light.
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How far away from the closest gate or rail should a motorcyclist stop when nearing a railway crossing with a train approaching?
To ensure safety, always stop a good distance - 5 metres at least - from the train tracks when the barrier is down and/or the lights are flashing. Motorcyclists should never attempt to cross around or under gates that have been lowered for an approaching train. Motorcyclists must drive on only after the gates have been raised and it is safe to do so.
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In case a need arises for a motorcyclist to stop the motorcycle while making a turn, the following process should be used:
If a stop must be made during a turn, it is important to use both brakes. Remember to use all fingers to pull in the clutch and the front brakes so that there are no shudders and shakes. Downshifting can sometimes be used as an alternative as well.
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