Section 3 - All Question Quiz
All Questions from the Section 3 - Motorcycle License Test
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Why are motorcyclists advised against driving in the center of a lane?
Oil dripping from other vehicles on the road collects in the center of a lane and it gets especially slick when the road is wet. Gravel can also be found in the center of a lane, further reducing traction.
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Which part of a wet road is usually the most slippery?
The center of the lane is the slickest section because oil tends to be spilled in that area. Roads can become slick in any area where there is debris, mud, dirt, oil, or gravel. Motorcyclists are advised to steer clear of slick road parts.
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When may a motorcyclist pass on a shoulder?
Ideally, motorcyclists should only pass on the left. However, it is acceptable to pass on the right at times when the other vehicle is turning towards the left and the shoulder is paved.
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While attempting to shift lanes or make a turn, how should a motorcyclist alert other drivers on the road?
Using the appropriate turn signal is important as it alerts others on the road so that they are able to move accordingly. Whether or not other vehicles are nearby, it is important to use turn signals while turning or changing lanes.
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What does it mean when a motorcyclist holds his left arm parallel to the ground, bent at the elbow so it points down to the ground?
If a motorcycle does not have indicator signals, or if they fail to work, motorcyclists must use proper hand signals to communicate with other drivers on the road.
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When a bus enters a road from a bus bay just as a motorcyclist is coming up to the bay, which vehicle has the right-of-way?
Motorcyclists, and all vehicles on the road, must give right of way to any bus that has signaled the intention to come out of a bus bay and is moving forward.
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A flashing amber traffic light at an intersection indicates drivers must:
Knowing who has the right of way is the first step to avoiding a crash. Remember just because you have the right of way does not mean you should aggressively assert it. Always proceed with caution when riding a motorcycle and ensure it is safe before you proceed.
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When a motorcyclist turns left from a curb lane into a curb lane, which tire track position should be used?
It is important to maintain a blocking position when driving a motorcycle from a curb lane into a curb lane. When turning left, maintain a left tire track position and when turning right, maintain a right tire track position.
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A flashing red signal light at an intersection indicates drivers must:
Stopping at this light is your legal responsibility while driving any vehicle. Only proceed when it is safe to do so.
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What are the effects of alcohol consumption on a motorcyclist?
Drinking alcohol will impair judgment and increase the possibility of accidents. It is not safe to drink and drive, regardless of the vehicle being used.
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What is the best way of maximizing your safety on the road when a vehicle in front of you is turning left?
Collisions between motorcycles and cars turning left usually take place because car drivers are unable to see motorcyclists. Slow down and stay alert. Always be prepared to react to the actions of other vehicles already present in the lane when making a lane change.
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What role is played by good traction when a motorcyclist is driving on slippery surfaces?
Since a motorcycle has only two wheels, traction plays a significant role in ensuring that balance is maintained and the motorcycle remains upright. It helps the motorcyclist keep firm control over the motorcycle and minimizes the chances of slipping/ falling.
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Which of the following tips does not apply to driving in the rain?
Motorcyclists should always apply both brakes together in a smooth matter, even on wet roadways.
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What is the risk posed to motorcyclists from turbulence caused by large vehicles?
It is imperative to maintain extra care when passing large vehicles. Learning the art of passing large, heavy vehicles is extremely important, especially while driving at high speed when turbulence is greatest.
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Why should motorcyclists ensure a large cushion of space around the motorcycle?
The larger the amount of space a motorcyclist maintains with other vehicles on the road, the safer the motorcyclist will be.
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When a motorcyclist is turning left from a passing lane into a passing lane, which tire track position should be adopted?
It is essential to adopt a blocking position when making turns. The blocking position for turning left from a passing lane into a passing lane is the right tire track, as this effectively blocks vehicles from entering the passing lane.
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What is the significance of the lane or blocking position and which is the best position to maintain when driving a motorcycle?
Safety on the road is guaranteed by visibility. In order to be clearly visible to all vehicles on the road, motorcyclists need to maintain appropriate lane positions. The correct lane position depends on the situation - at times the left tire track is in the correct position, while at other times, the right tire track is in the correct position. Choose a lane position according to the current state of the traffic so that everyone on the road can see you properly and so that you can effectively block other vehicles from entering your lane.
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Two vehicles reaching an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time must provide right-of-way to:
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Most motorcycles have a foot pedal. Which brake does this foot pedal control?
The foot pedal controls the rear brake, but other controls are not always the same on every motorcycle; it is important to learn the placement and function of all controls on a motorcycle before riding it.
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If another vehicle is following too closely, what should a motorcyclist do?
Widening the gap between the motorcycle and the vehicle ahead provides more reaction time for both the motorcyclist and the vehicle behind, and reduces the danger of a multi-vehicle pileup. It is advisable to shift lanes when possible and let the vehicle behind pass.
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What tire track or blocking position should a motorcyclist use when turning right in a wide lane?
One should block the lane according to the turn one intends to take. The stop line of a wide lane is at a greater distance than usual. This creates the need to shift to the right tire track. It is best to angle the bike also, as this makes the motorcycle more visible to others on the road.
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What is the relationship between cold weather and tire pressure?
It is important to inspect tire pressure every time the bike is used, especially when it is cold outside
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