M1 Practice Test - Motorcycle Practice Test

Free Practice Test – Section 3 – Motorcycle Questions

Section 3 - All Question Quiz

All Questions from the Section 3 - Motorcycle License Test

1 / 22

Why are motorcyclists advised against driving in the center of a lane?

2 / 22

Which part of a wet road is usually the most slippery?

3 / 22

When may a motorcyclist pass on a shoulder?

4 / 22

While attempting to shift lanes or make a turn, how should a motorcyclist alert other drivers on the road?

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What does it mean when a motorcyclist holds his left arm parallel to the ground, bent at the elbow so it points down to the ground?

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When a bus enters a road from a bus bay just as a motorcyclist is coming up to the bay, which vehicle has the right-of-way?

7 / 22

A flashing amber traffic light at an intersection indicates drivers must:

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When a motorcyclist turns left from a curb lane into a curb lane, which tire track position should be used?

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A flashing red signal light at an intersection indicates drivers must:

10 / 22

What are the effects of alcohol consumption on a motorcyclist?

11 / 22

What is the best way of maximizing your safety on the road when a vehicle in front of you is turning left?

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What role is played by good traction when a motorcyclist is driving on slippery surfaces?

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Which of the following tips does not apply to driving in the rain?

14 / 22

What is the risk posed to motorcyclists from turbulence caused by large vehicles?

15 / 22

Why should motorcyclists ensure a large cushion of space around the motorcycle?

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When a motorcyclist is turning left from a passing lane into a passing lane, which tire track position should be adopted?

17 / 22

What is the significance of the lane or blocking position and which is the best position to maintain when driving a motorcycle?

18 / 22

Two vehicles reaching an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time must provide right-of-way to:

19 / 22

Most motorcycles have a foot pedal. Which brake does this foot pedal control?

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If another vehicle is following too closely, what should a motorcyclist do?

21 / 22

What tire track or blocking position should a motorcyclist use when turning right in a wide lane?

22 / 22

What is the relationship between cold weather and tire pressure?

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